About the School
Vision Statement:
The purpose of Central High School of McMinn County is to graduate students with the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the future.
The mission of Central High School of McMinn County is to develop lifelong learners through challenging expectations that emphasize academic standards and address the diverse needs of all students while promoting civic and social responsibility.
We believe that:
Challenging expectations increase individual student performances in learning, achieving, and succeeding.
Each student is a unique and valued individual; therefore, instructional practices should be diversified to allow for differences in learning styles.
Students learn to make appropriate decisions when given a supportive and challenging learning environment.
Student learning and school policymaking are supported by positive relationships, intrinsic motivation, and mutual respect among students and staff.
Assessments are effective indicators of student mastery.
The use of technology as a tool integrated through the curriculum supports higher order thinking skills, communication skills, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Collaborative efforts of the school, home, and community provide the strongest foundation for the total education of each student and promote civic and social responsibility.
Learning never ceases; skills should be consistently enhanced and reinforced to develop lifelong learners so that students become productive citizens.
Teamwork plays a vital role in today’s workforce; therefore, cooperative learning activities are encouraged.
School Heritage:
Central High School of McMinn was founded in 1966. It was the result of the consolidation of Etowah High School, Englewood High School, and Cook High School. Cook High School was McMinn County’s African-American high school until the school system finally integrated. Central High School is geographically located in a rural area, slightly off Highway 411 in between Etowah (population 3,500) and Englewood (population 1,500).